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Election 2024: The Most Disproportional General Election Ever?

Sep 21, 2024

The success of targeted, efficient vote strategies and increased tactical voting meant the conversion of votes to seats in the 2024 general election was highly disproportional.

Reform UK won 4.1m votes, representing 14.3% of votes cast, but only won 5 seats. This was just one seat for every 820,000 votes it had received. Compare this to the efficiency of the Labour vote, where the party won one seat for every 23,000 votes received. The problem for Reform UK was that its four million votes were spread evenly and inefficiently across the country.

Heinz Brandenburg, a University of Strathclyde political scientist, analysed the election using the Gallagher Index (the standard measure academics use to describe disproportionality) and found the 2024 election scored 24 on the Gallagher Index, beating the previous record of 21 in 1931. Thus, statistically, the 2024 election was the most disproportional electoral outcome in British electoral history. 

Dylan Difford looked at other measures of disproportionality, such as Loosemore-Hanby and Sainte-Lague indexes, and also found the result to be the least proportional in British election history, commenting,
“However you assess it, this election was so extremely disproportional that it is an outlier by western democratic standards, let alone UK ones.”

Robert Peston was quick to emphasise that it was the least proportional distribution of seats in modern electoral history. He commented,
“If you believe that the configuration of the Commons should roughly reflect the revealed preferences of voters, this is not a fair result.”John Curtice also observed that “Labour’s strength in the new House of Commons is a heavily exaggerated reflection of the party’s limited popularity in the country.”

Under the first-past-the-post system, whether a party wins a seat by a single vote or ten thousand votes doesn’t matter in terms of seats won. As Lewis Goodall observed,
“Voter efficiency is everything in the British system. If you master that you win.” While this is obviously true the level of disproportionality raises questions about the electoral system and may provoke further discussion of electoral reform.

21 Sept, 2024
The increased willingness of voters to vote tactically in the 2024 general election put the Conservatives at risk in a large swathe of seats, which became known as the Blue Wall. This vulnerability became apparent just a month after the Conservatives won the Hartlepool by-election in 2021. On 17 June 2021, the party lost a by-election in Chesham and Amersham, a constituency which had been Conservative since its creation. It was won by the Liberal Democrats on a huge swing of 25 points. The Conservative share of the vote fell from 55.4% to 35.5%. The result was initially put down to local concerns regarding HS2 and the relaxation of planning controls. However, the result was an indication that the Tories were vulnerable to tactical voting in constituencies in traditional conservative seats in Southern England, which had voted against Brexit and were becoming more liberal. Many constituencies in the south have been changing demographically as younger, more liberal graduates move out of London in search of cheaper housing. Mike Martin, the Liberal Democrat candidate in Tunbridge Wells, estimated that around 3,000 people had moved into his constituency every year since 2019. Tony Travers, a director of LSE London, a research centre at the London School of Economics, argued the Chesham and Amersham by-election result was the result of this gradual “erosion of the Tory party’s traditional rock-solid voter base in the south-east of England.” Travers believed that demographic changes were significant, noting that in a typical year, more than 200,000 people move out of London to the south-east and east. Travers argued that Labour votes were effectively being exported to the wider region. As evidence, he pointed to the 2019 local elections, where the Conservatives faced sudden and vast losses of councillors in places such as Chelmsford, Chichester, East Cambridgeshire, Guildford, South Oxfordshire, Vale of White Horse, Winchester, Woking, Surrey Heath and Spelthorne. The day after the by-election, Ed Davey, the Leader of the Liberal Democrats, took an orange mallet to a wall of blue bricks with an orange mallet to symbolise his party's victory. The Guardian used the photo in an article published on 19 June 2021, headed ‘The Blue Wall: what next for the Tories after a shock byelection defeat?’ The article identified 29 Blue Wall seats where the Tory majority was below 30%, the Liberal Democrats came second, and the Leave vote was below 53%. These were: Brecon & Radnorshire Cambridgeshire South Cambridgeshire South East Chelsea & Fulham Cheltenham Chippenham Cities of London & Westminster Esher & Walton Finchley & Golders Green Guildford Henley Hitchin & Harpenden Lewes Mid Sussex Mole Valley Newbury Romsey & Southampton North Somerton & Frome South West Surrey Sutton & Cheam Taunton Deane Thornbury & Yate Tunbridge Wells Wantage West Dorset Wimbledon Winchester Witney Wokingham Steve Akehurst identified a similar group of Blue Wall seats, which were historically Conservative but where he believed the party could lose because of tactical voting. Akehurst specifically identified seats where: Labour or the Liberal Democrats had overperformed their national swing versus the Conservatives in 2017 and 2019. The Conservative majority was under 10,000 votes. A disproportionately large number of residents were graduates. These seats were primarily in suburban areas in England, often on the outskirts of cities or large urban conurbations. Akehurst argued that voters in these seats were more likely to focus on issues like housing and the environment rather than immigration. They were also more pro-EU and liberal than the new Conservative voters in the Red Wall and felt increasingly distant from the Tory Party. There was growing evidence that the 2024 general election could see high levels of tactical voting. A month before the election, one in five voters in a YouGov survey said they would be voting tactically, with three quarters saying they would be willing to do so to stop a Conservative from winning their seat. To cater for these tactical voters, many websites were set up to identify the party best placed in individual constituencies to beat the Conservatives. These included Tactical Voting, Stop the Tories, and Best for Britain. Naomi Smith, CEO of Best for Britain and founder of the tactical voting platform, claimed that over ten million people were willing to vote tactically for change in 2024 . The increasing willingness of people to vote tactically, combined with the changing demographic nature of Blue Wall seats, made the Conservative Party particularly vulnerable in these constituencies. The 2024 election result The party was devastated in the traditional Conservative home counties’ heartlands. For the first time since 1906, Tories didn’t win a majority of southern seats. In Berkshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire, and Oxfordshire, the party lost 26 seats. Many of the seats the Conservatives lost in 2024 had been held by the party for a very long time: Aldershot (1918) Ashford (1931) Banbury (1918) Basingstoke (1924) Both Bournemouth seats (1921) Bury St Edmonds (1885) Cities of London and Westminster (1931) Chichester (1924) Devon South (1935) Dorking (1885) Henley (1910) Macclesfield (1918) Mid Sussex (1885) Tunbridge Wells (1931) Worthing West (1918) The Liberal Democrats took seats from the Conservatives in some of the country’s wealthiest areas that have the highest proportions of people in managerial and professional occupations. While the Liberal Democrats failed to take the seat of the former chancellor Jeremy Hunt, it won the seats of three Conservative ex-Prime Ministers: Maidenhead (formerly Theresa May’s seat) Henley (formerly Boris Johnson’s seat) Witney (formerly David Cameron’s seat) The success of the Liberal Democrats in winning 72 seats was down to their efficient, concentrated geographical vote and tactical voting. In the 2024 election, their vote went up in seats where they were challenging the Conservatives but fell slightly in other seats. According to Chris Annous of More in Common, over a quarter (26%) of Liberal Democrat voters in 2024 said they had voted tactically. Data from the post-election British Election Study revealed that in seats where the Liberal Democrats were challenging the Conservatives, 44% of 2019 Labour voters, who had become more positive towards the Lib Dems, switched their vote to help the party defeat the incumbent Tory MP.
21 Sept, 2024
The success of targeted, efficient vote strategies and increased tactical voting meant the conversion of votes to seats in the 2024 general election was highly disproportional. Reform UK won 4.1m votes, representing 14.3% of votes cast, but only won 5 seats. This was just one seat for every 820,000 votes it had received. Compare this to the efficiency of the Labour vote, where the party won one seat for every 23,000 votes received. The problem for Reform UK was that its four million votes were spread evenly and inefficiently across the country. Heinz Brandenburg, a University of Strathclyde political scientist, analysed the election using the Gallagher Index (the standard measure academics use to describe disproportionality) and found the 2024 election scored 24 on the Gallagher Index, beating the previous record of 21 in 1931. Thus, statistically, the 2024 election was the most disproportional electoral outcome in British electoral history. Dylan Difford looked at other measures of disproportionality, such as Loosemore-Hanby and Sainte-Lague indexes, and also found the result to be the least proportional in British election history, commenting, “However you assess it, this election was so extremely disproportional that it is an outlier by western democratic standards, let alone UK ones.” Robert Peston was quick to emphasise that it was the least proportional distribution of seats in modern electoral history. He commented, “If you believe that the configuration of the Commons should roughly reflect the revealed preferences of voters, this is not a fair result.” John Curtice also observed that “Labour’s strength in the new House of Commons is a heavily exaggerated reflection of the party’s limited popularity in the country.” Under the first-past-the-post system, whether a party wins a seat by a single vote or ten thousand votes doesn’t matter in terms of seats won. As Lewis Goodall observed, “Voter efficiency is everything in the British system. If you master that you win.” While this is obviously true the level of disproportionality raises questions about the electoral system and may provoke further discussion of electoral reform.
21 Sept, 2024
The Labour Party won 411 seats in the 2024 general election, giving them a landslide majority of 174, the second-largest Labour majority since Blair’s victory in 1997. The party won back almost all of the Red Wall seats they had previously lost and gained nearly 40 seats from the SNP. It was a crushing victory for Keir Starmer and the Labour Party. On election night, Gary Gibbon, Channel 4’s political editor, was checking over the results as they came in. While other commentators were waxing lyrical about the scale of Labour’s victory, Gibbon raised his head and said it looks like a ‘loveless landslide’.
 The reason for Gibbon’s comment was Labour’s apparently low share of the vote. By the following day it was clear that Labour had won just 34% of the votes cast. This was only marginally higher than Corbyn achieved in 2019 and a full six points below the party’s performance in 2017. John Curtice commented, “Never before has a party been able to form a majority government on so low a share of the vote.” The small increase in Labour’s share of the vote in 2024 was entirely the result of a 17-point increase in support for the party in Scotland. The Labour Party’s vote share in England did not increase at all from 2019. In Wales, the party's vote actually fell back by four points. 
 A post-election analysis by More in Common found that if voters had voted with their heart rather than their head and not voted for Labour tactically, the support for Labour would have been four points lower and the Greens three points higher. Analysis of data from the post-election British Election Study found that 500,000 Labour voters voted tactically for the Liberal Democrats, but that was matched by the same number of Liberal Democrat voters who voted tactically for Labour. Labour finished just 10 points ahead of the Conservatives rather than the 19 to 20 points many of the polls predicted. The overestimation of Labour’s support was the highest ever seen, and the overall margin of error was the worst since the 1992 election. The polls had overestimated the support for both Labour and Reform UK and underestimated Conservative and Liberal Democrat support. 
 In terms of the absolute number of votes, Labour won 12.88m votes in 2017 and 10.27m votes in 2019. However, in 2024 the party won just 9.7m votes, albeit on a lower turnout. The turnout for the election was seven points lower than in 2019, falling to just 59.8%. The second lowest since 1885, suggesting there had been no enthusiasm for the election or the party offerings. Lewis Goodall commented, “The public, in many cases, have either felt apathetic or disinclined to choose between what was put before them.” The Labour Party lost almost a third of its support from Black and Asian communities in the general election, falling from 64% to 46%. The party’s stance on Gaza was a factor in areas with large numbers of people who identify as Muslim. The party's vote was down on average by 20.7 points in seats where over 20% of the population identified as Muslim . Lewis Baston’s research found that “in the 21 seats where more than 30% of the population is Muslim, Labour’s share dropped by 29 points from an average of 65% in 2019 to 36% in 2024.” 
 Labour lost four of these seats to independent candidates (Blackburn, Leicester South, Dewsbury & Batley and Birmingham Perry Barr,) where voters appeared to object to the Party not taking a stronger stance in support of Palestinians and a ceasefire in Gaza. Five more Labour MPs nearly lost their seats from this backlash amongst pro-Palestine Muslim voters. Rushanara Al’s majority fell from 37,500 to 1,700, Shabana Mahmood’s from 28,600 to 3,400, Naz Shah’s from 27,000 to 707, Jess Phillips from 10,700 to 693, and Wes Streeting’s from 5,200 to 528. 
 Luke Tryl argued that these falls in vote share should not simply be attributed to Labour’s position on Gaza. In focus groups, he noted there was real frustration over Labour on Gaza but also a feeling that Labour took Muslim votes for granted and that the party had neglected their communities. Participants talked about a lack of opportunities, crime and the fact no one listened to them. While Gaza was at the forefront of the campaigns of Independent candidates, they were also seen as potential champions for their community who’d stand up for them. Thus, it was possible that Gaza was a trigger, but many in these communities had started to become disconnected from Labour. Tryl observed that “in an age of electoral volatility, traditional loyalties are no longer enough to mean a party can count on the votes of a particular group. Particularly if they feel neglected or taken for granted by that party.” Why was the Labour vote share so low? The extensive publication of polls before the election indicating a Labour landslide may have discouraged some voters on the basis that the result was a foregone conclusion. Professor Paula Surridge argued there was likely to be “a significant group who felt that victory was assured and so didn’t vote. ”This view is supported by research evidence that significant poll leads can depress turnout, as voters believe their vote will change little in such situations. However, according to More in Common , just 4% of non-voters stayed at home because they were sure that the party they supported was going to win. 
 In the 63 safest Labour seats, the party’s average vote share decreased by 17% from 67% to 50%, and the party lost votes in most of the seats where they had won over 50% of the vote in 2019. The party only made gains in seats where their previous vote share was less than 50% in 2019. Labour strategists put this down to the party’s ruthless targeting of resources outside its core heartlands, so that its vote became more efficient, allowing it to win where it needed to and avoiding piling up votes in safe Labour seats. 
It might also have been that many voters in Labour seats with large majorities felt able to vote for other parties, such as the Greens. If the election had been closer or Labour was at risk of losing these seats, the Labour vote might have been higher. As mentioned above, it might be that many Labour voters voted tactically for the Liberal Democrats in seats where they were the main challengers to the Conservatives, which depressed the Labour vote. However, the evidence suggests that just as many Liberal Democrats voted tactically for Labour in seats where they were the main challengers to the Conservatives, which would have increased the Labour vote share. A Lord Ashcroft Poll found that 32% of those who voted Labour said they were voting Labour tactically to try and stop the party they liked least from winning. 
 Patrick McGuire, a political columnist for The Times, claimed the Labour Party’s ability to win a landslide majority on such a low vote share was the fruit of a political strategy that had “ruthlessly maximised the efficiency of the Labour vote.” This is true, but the Labour Party was also aided greatly by the broad spread of the Reform UK vote, which took votes away from the Conservatives across a great many seats, allowing Labour to win without increasing its share of the vote and, in 57 cases, even winning back seats with a lower vote share than in 2019. The fact Labour didn’t increase their vote, in percentage or absolute terms, when the Conservative government was so unpopular indicated the public was far from excited about Keir Starmer and the Labour Party. John Curtice claimed there was little enthusiasm for Labour, noting that while Starmer had made his party acceptable, he was “not even as popular as David Cameron was before 2010.” To Curtice the election result had been shaped by the failures of the Conservative Party. Rosa Prince, the Deputy UK Editor at Politico, agreed, “There is little doubt that this election was a loss for the Conservatives rather than Labour’s gain; there was no surge of enthusiasm for the party.” Paula Surridge argued that the desire to see the back of the Tories appeared to outweigh any considerations of policy or even “whether Labour will actually deliver much positive change.” When it was elected, the satisfaction rating for the new Labour government was -21, which was an improvement on the Sunak government. However, for Cameron’s government, it was +10, and for Blair’s government, it was +37. It took two years for Blair’s government to have a negative satisfaction rating. 
 Keir Starmer was one of the most unpopular opposition leaders to win an election. When he became Prime Minister, he had a popularity rating according to Ipsos of plus seven (37% satisfied, 30% dissatisfied). This was low by historical standards for new Prime Ministers. For example, Cameron’s was +30, Blair’s +60, and May’s +35. It might be that the collapse in trust in politicians over the last five years means that no party leader these days could be expected to reach the higher ratings of previous Prime Ministers. Thus, Starmer’s low ratings might simply reflect the current public distrust of politicians. In September, Starmer’s net popularity rating according to Ipsos fell to -14. Political analysts disagree about the implications of the election result and the fragility of Labour’s electoral position. Peter Kellner has set out why he thinks Labour should be nervous, while Professor Ben Ansell suggests that the weak position of the Tories helps to secure Labour’s electoral advantage, although he still refers to the party as walking a tightrope. The electoral landscape has become so volatile that only a fool would make predictions about the next election, but it is clear that Labour has a lot of work on its hands to secure and build on its 2024 electoral coalition. A report on how Labour won the election by Labour Together, sums up the challenge for Starmer and the party: “Labour must never take voters for granted. Indeed, it cannot, because many are simply giving Labour a chance. It must approach every day of governing in the knowledge that it will need to persuade voters again and again and again.”
20 Sept, 2024
Political distrust is at an all-time high, and it’s reshaping the electoral landscape in unsettling and unpredictable ways. Political trust is generally high when people have confidence in their government and political leaders, and view them as trustworthy, fair, credible and competent. In Western democracies, politicians have tended to be more distrusted than trusted. Some experts argue that this “liberal distrust” is a good thing as it ensures accountability through an ongoing evaluation of the performance of political leaders. Some have even referred to this liberal distrust as the ‘guardian of democracy’. However, what we’re seeing now in the UK is a deeper and more concerning level of political distrust. Bertsou argues it is important not to conflate "liberal distrust" with political distrust, which, far from being beneficial, is a potentially damaging and destabilising force. He argues that political distrust is not merely a lack of trust where there is doubt and scepticism about the government’s intentions but a strong and settled belief in the untrustworthiness of political leaders. Hence, once the public becomes distrustful of a government or politicians more generally, it is hard to reverse this view. 
 There are three aspects to political distrust according to Bertsou. The first is based on evaluating the competence of political leaders and government. The second is based on unethical and untrustworthy conduct, which the public sees as wrong or unfair. Public perceptions of untrustworthiness, corruption, bribery and cronyism are all strongly associated with political distrust. The third is based on partisanship, where people are more likely to distrust politicians they disagree with. Bertsou argues that distrust which stems from the betrayal of a previously extended trust, can carry a strong moral judgement. 
 Political trust has been declining in the UK for several decades. This has been attributed to political scandals, such as the MPs expenses scandal in 2009, and the increasing prominence of cynical views about politicians. In 1986, 40% of people trusted the government to place the nation’s needs above the interests of their party. By 2010, this had halved to 20%. 
(See NatCen report .) The British Social Attitudes Survey 2023 report found that “people’s trust in government and politicians, and their confidence in their systems of government, is as low now as it has ever been over the last 50 years, if not lower.” The report argued that the actions of the Conservative government, particularly contravening its own rules on COVID-19, had a corrosive effect on public trust. By August 2022, 76% of the public felt Boris Johnson was untrustworthy. While the figures improved for Rishi Sunak, two-thirds of the public (65%) believed he was untrustworthy. The percentage of people who trust the government to place the nation's needs above their party most of the time fell from 24% in 2021 to 14% in 2023. More dramatically, the percentage of the public that trusted politicians to tell the truth in a tight corner fell from a low of 12% to just 5%. (See NatCen report. )
 A 2023 Ipsos survey found that people's trust in politicians had fallen to its lowest level in 40 years. Just 9% of people said they trusted politicians to tell the truth, making them the least trusted profession in Britain. According to Ipsos, almost all of the decline in trust in Britain’s politicians over recent decades had come about during the Conservative Parliament of 2019 to 2024. In 2024, Ipsos conducted a study called ‘The People Behind the Polls’, where they followed a group of people during the 2024 election campaign and obtained their reactions to events such as the TV debates. This qualitative research survey found that the public had a “ complete distrust of politics and politicians. ” An analysis of the British Election Study panel in 2024 found that over 70% of those aged 18-60 agreed that ‘politicians don’t care what people like me think’. The figure was 76% for respondents aged 30-44. After participating in numerous focus groups the pollster, Luke Tryl, has claimed the public overwhelmingly distrust politicians of all parties. They either think they are not up to the job or are only in it for themselves. He believes the notion that there is one rule for politicians and another for other people “is toxic not just to one party but faith in politics itself.” (See Luke's posts here and here .) The 41st British Social Attitudes Report published on 12 June 2024 reported that public trust in government has fallen further to a new record low. Almost half of people said they would ‘almost never’ trust British governments of any party to place the country's needs above the interests of their own political party, more than ever before. 
When non-voters were asked why they didn’t vote in 2024, the top answer selected by 34% was ‘I don’t trust any politicians’. When Keir Starmer became Labour leader, most of the public (59%) had no view on his trustworthiness, and only 19% distrusted him. However, the more the public got to see Starmer, the more they distrusted him. When it was revealed that Sue Gray had been offered a job as Labour’s chief of staff, the percentage of the public who believed Starmer was untrustworthy jumped from 38% in April 2023 to 45% in May 2023. In September 2024, after a difficult summer, 47% believed Starmer was untrustworthy. The Consequences of High Levels of Political Distrust Higher levels of voter distrust can lead to more unstable electoral environments. Research by Voogd et al ., published in 2019, found evidence that low levels of trust undermine the formation of stable party preferences and stimulate volatility. They discovered that declining trust drives voters, particularly supporters of parties in government, to change their party preference. High levels of distrust also create opportunities for populist parties, which appeal to voters with simple solutions on the basis that the political and establishment elites cannot be trusted. 
 High levels of distrust can also lead to unpredictable behaviour where voters seek to punish existing political leaders by acting or voting in a contrary manner to register a protest against the existing government. Research by Okolikj et al. found that voters with high levels of distrust were more likely to vote for protest parties, even if such parties were far removed from their own ideological position, to express their distrust of politicians. 
 Distrust can also lead to people opting out of the political system, which can be reflected in low levels of voting and political engagement. The 2020 British Attitudes Survey found that turnout in the 2019 election was lower among people who said they almost never trusted the government. The same survey also found that 62% wanted a change in the current voting system and were “markedly more likely to have a populist outlook.” 
 In summary, the growing levels of political distrust in the UK over the last decades have increased the potential for electoral volatility, including greater polarisation (Boxell et al. 2020), support for populism (Henley 2018), and a decline in political participation (Repucci and Slipowitz 2021). In 2021, the IPPR warned that this growing distrust “can lead to a downward spiral of democratic decline, with voters disengaging, becoming polarised, or turning to populist leaders and causes.”
20 Sept, 2024
One of the most striking features of the 2024 election was the scale of anti-Conservative tactical voting. The willingness of voters to engage in tactical voting, combined with the ruthless focus of the Labour, Liberal Democrat and Green parties on their target seats, resulted in remarkably successful efficient vote strategies. The three parties won almost all their target seats by building anti-incumbent, tactical-voting alliances around a clear second-place candidate in a constituency. The success of these strategies may provide a template for challenger parties in future elections. Anti-incumbent tactical voting has been around for a long time. Back in 1997, the Conservative Cabinet Minister, Michael Portillo, lost his safe seat after Liberal Democrat voters chose to tactically vote for Labour to remove him. What was different in 2024 was the industrial scale of tactical voting. Rather than seeking to maximise their national vote share, the Labour, Liberal Democrat, and Green parties focused their resources on seats where they could establish themselves as the primary challenger and withdrew resources from seats where another party was better placed. A More Volatile Electorate Voters who are less attached to political parties are more likely to vote tactically or on a transactional basis. In the UK, voters have become increasingly detached from political parties and are prepared to switch their vote between elections. This has been linked to major political shocks, which caused voter realignments such as the Scottish Independence and Brexit referendums, and to growing levels of distrust in politicians. The increased willingness of voters to switch votes between parties in elections can be seen in recent elections, including the 2024 general election, where around 40% of electors voted for a different party than they had voted for in 2019. Voters have become far more willing to vote on a transactional rather than an ideological basis. For example, voting to ‘get Brexit done’, to stop Jeremy Corbyn or to unseat an incumbent Conservative, rather than because they ideologically support the party they voted for. In Waveney Valley in 2024, it was clear that voters got behind the Green candidate to remove the Conservative MP rather than because they supported the party’s policy of unilateral nuclear disarmament. Steve Akehurst, director of the research group Persuasion UK, has argued that younger voters, in particular, “are far more transactional and less attached to political parties than older generations.” Chris Hopkins, political research director at Savanta, argues that tactical voting is also on the rise because voters have become “increasingly sophisticated in understanding how in a first-past-the-post system, their vote can be as effective as possible.” People appear to be increasingly aware of how to make their vote count in a first-past-the-post system, most notably by trying to stop a candidate they dislike being elected. 

 Analysis by Professor Stephen Fisher suggested that Labour and Liberal Democrat supporters were more willing to vote tactically for each other in 2024 than in 2019. This was primarily because Liberal Democrat voters were not worried about Keir Starmer to the degree they were with Jeremy Corbyn. Steve Akehurst’s research also suggested that Labour supporters in traditionally Conservative seats were very transactional and particularly open to voting for the Liberal Democrats or the Green Party to unseat a Conservative MP. Before the election a poll by Best for Britain found that four out of ten voters (40 per cent) were prepared to vote tactically to remove a Conservative MP. The increased willingness of voters to vote tactically put the Conservatives at risk in a large swathe of seats, particularly those which became known as the Blue Wall. Early Warning Signs In 2021, the Conservatives lost the Chesham and Amersham by-election to the Liberal Democrats. It was a graduate-heavy, middle-class, and Remain-voting constituency that had always elected a Conservative MP since its creation in 1974. The Conservatives blamed concerns over HS2 and planning reform, but John Curtice called it “a warning to the Conservatives” that the Liberal Democrats could pick up the votes of middle-class voters. There was evidence of significant tactical voting as Labour voters turned to the Liberal Democrats to remove the Tories. The Labour vote consequently fell to 1.2%, its lowest-ever share of the vote in a Westminster election. Later, in 2021, the Liberal Democrats overturned a 23,000 Tory majority in North Shropshire on a 34% swing. Despite Labour having been second in the constituency in the 2019 general election, many of their voters decided to swing tactically behind the Liberal Democrats. The Labour vote fell from 22.1% in 2019 to 9.7% in 2021. In 2022, the Conservative Party lost the Tiverton and Honiton by-election. The Liberal Democrats overturned a majority of 24,239 with a 29.9% swing. Peter Kellner noted that the scale of anti-Conservative tactical voting was ferocious and warned that “ strategic anti-Conservative tactical voting could decide the next election.” In the 2023 local elections, the Conservative Party lost over a thousand seats, and Labour became the largest party in local government, overtaking the Tories for the first time since 2002. Notably, the Liberal Democrats and the Greens also did well. In the Financial Times , Robert Shrimsley noted a sharp increase in anti-Tory tactical voting, which had eroded Tory majorities, particularly in more affluent southern seats. Tactical Voting in the 2024 General Election In the 2024 general election, voters' determination to punish the Conservatives was so strong that they appeared willing to lend their support to whichever party was best placed to beat Conservative candidates. The key challenge for Labour, Liberal Democrat, and Green candidates was to establish themselves as the primary challengers to the Conservatives. The targeted approach of efficient vote strategies only works if parties focus on seats where they can establish themselves as the primary challenger to the incumbent. If a party can do this successfully, other challenger parties will likely redirect their resources to other seats, making it easier to build an anti-incumbent alliance. The parties used a combination of MRP polls, local election results, and previous election results to make the case that they were the main challengers. Those constituencies where a party felt confident in establishing itself as the primary challenger became priority target seats and received significant resources. The degree of ruthless, focused campaigning was unprecedented in 2024 as parties poured resources into their target seats. The natural consequence of these strategies was that Labour put minimal resource into Liberal Democrat target seats and vice-versa. Liberal Democrat party activists were encouraged to only campaign in their target seats and not in those Labour might win. An analysis by the Financial Times found that Labour had also told its members not to campaign in the 80 Liberal Democrat target seats. There were claims that Labour and the Liberal Democrats had done a secret deal not to put resources into challenging each other in their respective target seats. This was denied, but in many ways, it was an inevitable outcome of both parties' strong focus on their target seats. Parties did not want to waste resources in constituencies where another party had a better chance of mobilising a tactical voting alliance. The targeted, efficient vote strategies were incredibly successful. The Liberal Democrats and the Labour Party advanced most where they were the primary opponents to the Conservatives in winnable target seats. Where Labour was the primary challenger to the Conservatives, support for the party rose by six points, while support for the Liberal Democrats fell. By contrast, where the primary challenger to the Conservatives was the Liberal Democrats, their support rose by nine points compared to just one point nationally. An analysis of post-election British Electoral Study data revealed a very efficient swap of Labour and Liberal Democrat voters. 500,000 Liberal Democrat voters voted tactically for Labour, and 500,000 Labour voters voted tactically for the Liberal Democrats. In The Times , John Curtice observed that the scale of anti-Conservative tactical voting had been remarkable. While in The Guardian, Will Jennings referred to "intense tactical voting." The level of tactical voting resulted in huge swings against incumbent candidates, allowing Labour, the Liberal Democrats, and the Greens to win almost all of their target seats. The Greens won all four of their target seats, and the Liberal Democrats won 72 of their target seats, their highest total of MPs since 1923. The Liberal Democrats and Labour's share of the national vote only changed marginally, but both parties won significantly more seats. The Liberal Democrats increased their national vote share from 11.6% to 12.2% but gained 64 seats. The Labour Party increased its national vote share from 32.1% to 33.7% but gained 211 extra seats. Dr Anton Howes claimed that the 2024 election result showed the first-past-the-post system at its best, as tactical voting allowed the electorate “to mete out proper punishment” to the government. Implications for the Future The success of targeted, efficient vote strategies that leveraged the public’s willingness to vote tactically was remarkable in terms of winning seats. It will surely be a strategy that all parties consider adopting in the next general election. In 2024, the strategy worked because the public was angry at the Tories and wanted them out. Its success in future elections will depend on the degree to which the public is unhappy with the Labour government and the public’s willingness to lend their support to second-place candidates. For example, there is some evidence that people are not as willing to lend their vote to Reform UK as they were to lend their vote to the Liberal Democrats or Labour. Tactical voting may present a particular challenge to Labour if it becomes disliked over the course of the parliament. High levels of political distrust can also create problems for incumbent governments as they are likely to be blamed for events on their watch, particularly economic events. Thus, a recession or economic crisis can quickly undermine support for a governing party. The Liberal Democrats are second in only 27 constituencies, all of which are held by Conservative MPs, and it may be harder for them to mobilise a tactical voting alliance when the Conservatives are not in government. However, Reform UK are second in 98 constituencies, 89 of them to Labour. At the same time, the Greens are second to Labour in 40 constituencies. Robert Shrimsley has suggested that Farage and Reform UK will seek to use a more ruthless and targeted strategy to mobilise tactical voting alliances against Labour incumbents. The party’s former leader, Richard Tice, has already said they want to learn from the Liberal Democrats campaign . Will the success of Labour’s targeted campaign strategy in 2024, potentially be its undoing in the next election?
19 Dec, 2022
Above my desk I have a cork board that holds some of the badges I wore between 1978 and 1987. The badges were the inspiration for the title of my latest book: Badgeland. Political badges - or campaign buttons as they are known in the U.S. - were very common throughout the 1970s and 1980s. We wore our badges on our chests with pride like twelfth century pilgrims who bought pewter badges to demonstrate their devout status. Below is a brief summary of the badges which graced my denim jacket from 1978 to 1987.
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08 Dec, 2022
If you are looking for advice as an Independent author I can really recommend the Two Indie Authors podcast. In this podcast the best-selling indie authors, David B. Lyons and Robert Enright talk about about being an independent author. I have found the podcast to be open, honest and refreshing. The authors cover a lot of ground including why they chose to be Indie authors, the tools they use (big shout out to Vellum), how they market their books and discuss numbers (including their costs and sales). The discussions are in-depth, each podcast is about an hour long and there are no adverts that you have fast forward through. Their episodes so far have covered: How they became full time authors How they market their books How they write their books The costs of self-publishing The numbers that matter, particularly advertising costs and returns What to include in your front and back matter Audiobooks In each episode they also interview experts and authors for their tips and advice on being an Indie author. What are you waiting for? Go check it out. Two Indie Authors
24 Nov, 2022
I initially became an Indie author through my own impatience in the summer of 2020. I had written a book about Labour's catastrophic performance in so-called Red Wall seats at the December 2019 UK election and was keen to get it published. When I spoke to potential agents and publishers I was amazed that even though the book was written, it would take up to two years to get it published. I was convinced the book was of the moment and there would be far less interest years down the line. Determined to get the book out to the world I read about Amazon KDP publishing. It seemed it was possible to publish the book on Amazon as an ebook and as a paperback almost immediately. Enthused I purchased a licence for Vellum (software that formats and produces your book in the correct format for both ebooks and physical books), imported my Word document and learnt how to use the software in a day or so.  I asked my favourite graphic designer to design me a cover and uploaded all of my files to Amazon. After a short review and approval process my book was available to buy on Amazon. I did a little of my own marketing, sending the book to various blogs and journalists, and paid for some very limited Amazon marketing. To my surprise the book quickly became the bestseller in its category, selling four thousand copies. In retrospect despite employing a developmental editor, I should have engaged a copy editor and/or a proofreader. I am now a little embarrassed at some of the typos that crept in, though I did update and upload the files when I came across errors to correct them. In my rush to get the book out I didn't do enough rigorous editing. Thus when it came to my second book, a political memoir which wasn't time critical, I decided to rectify these mistakes and gave myself almost a year after the first draft was complete to edit, review and improve the book. I sent the book to over twenty friends to read and review, many of whom picked up various errors. I also employed an editor and a proofreader to ensure the book was a professional Indie book. Professional Indie Publishing I think I first heard about professional Indie publishing from James Altucher. While replying to a post on Quora he explained why he had chosen to Indie publish his book and why it was important to be a professional Indie publisher . One of the major roles played by publishers is to provide some form of quality control over books. The danger with Indie publishing is that people can and do publish some very low quality books. However, when the Indie publishing is done professionally it is impossible to tell the difference between a book from a traditional publisher and a professional Indie book. I agree with Altucher when he says that being professional means employing editors, copy editors, proofreaders, and graphic artists, and investing similarly in marketing. The Benefits of Professional Indie Publishing Speed to publication. The additional layers of quality control from research to editing to proofreading do add time to the process but Indie publishing is so much faster than traditional publishing. Control. You have more control of the whole process including matters such as the cover design and the final content. Revenue. You receive a much higher share of revenue. For example, if you go exclusive on Amazon Kindle you receive 70% of the revenue. Challenges of Professional Indie Publishing There are challenges of self-publishing. Fundamentally you are responsible for publication, quality control, marketing and accounting. Publication involves the formatting of your book. This can be done with existing software tools. As I mentioned I personally use Vellum which produces ebook formats for Kindle, Nook, Kobo etc., and ready to print paperbacks and hardbacks. Professional quality control requires you to employ an editor and a proofreader at a bare minimum. Please do not make the mistake that I did on my first book of thinking you can proofread your own work. In the case of my second book Badgeland, I worked with an editor on the first draft. I then had over 20 beta readers review the edited book. They were not proof reading but they picked up many issues. For the proof reading I created a style guide based loosely on a guide for Pluto Books, which produce political books, for example percentage numbers were formatted as 30 percent, dates were formatted as 16 March 1987, film, book and song titles were italicised, and newspaper headlines were contained in single quotes. I engaged a proofreader to spend two weeks on the book before making my final changes and uploading the files to Amazon. Amazon also allow you to produce a proof copies of the paperback to check before finally publishing the book. Marketing is the biggest challenge for most Indie authors. Publishing houses will have marketing teams who will seek to get your book in front of the right reviewers, organise your book launch etc. As an ex-marketer I personally loved the challenge of marketing the book but it doesn’t suit all Indie authors. I have provided some guidance and advice in my blog post about developing a book marketing plan. The key things are: Build your own email list of friends and supporters. Over time this will grow and allow you to keep in touch with your supporters. You can incentivise people to give you their email by providing them with bonus chapters or updates. Ask people to post reviews of your book on Amazon, you can also do this at the end of your book itself. You can also look at review sites such as Independent Book Review or Reedsy Discovery . Offer the book to relevant blog and review sites in advance of publication. Create an author website where people can read about your book, find out more about you and sign up to your email list. Test advertising on either Amazon or Facebook or both. It is essential that you understand your target audience. For example, if you know what books they read you can post your Amazon adverts next to those books, or if your demographic is women over 50 you can target them on facebook. The Key is to start small and review how well your ads are working. Look at promotional sites such as BookBub where they may promote your book after publication as part of a discounted promotion. You can submit your book for a featured deal.
17 Nov, 2022
The one thing we all want as Indie authors is that Amazon orange 'bestseller' tag. It not only does wonders for your self-esteem but for your marketing and promotion. To give yourself the best chance of achieving the this accolade you need to choose the right Amazon categories. In this post I look at how you can analyse the Amazon categories using Publisher Rocket. Publisher Rocket is a software tool that costs around $100. Having seen it recommended by many authors I decided to take the plunge and buy the tool. I am pleased I did, as it has helped me to choose the Amazon categories for my next book. Choosing the right category is critical to your chances of achieving that coveted 'bestseller' tag. As an Indie author you can only choose two categories initially, though it is possible to add more categories later. I was looking at categories for my memoir about coming of age as a young socialist in the 1980s. The obvious category was Biographies and Memoirs. However, according to Publisher Rocket I would need to sell 4,700 books a day to be a best seller in that category. I am generally an optimistic person but selling over 4,000 books in a day is out of my league. I decided to leave that category to Prince Harry and Michelle Obama. I then searched for relevant categories for my book. Below are the results.
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16 Nov, 2022
The aim of a book blurb is to sell your book, not to describe it or summarise it. You don’t want them thinking TL:DR - too long, didn’t read. To prepare the blurb for my memoir, Badgeland, I read lots of articles about writing book blurbs, reviewed lots of Amazon book descriptions and even bought a Kindle book on writing blurbs. The consensus from my research was that a blurb should be kept short, around 200 to 250 words, and have four parts. It should also be easy to read and fun. The structure of a book blurb What I took away from my research was that a blurb should have four paragraphs as follows: Para 1 - The hook. This is where you seek to grab attention and encourage the reader to keep reading. Para 2 - Where you introduce your character. Stories are about characters. Where you set up the conflict and show what’s at stake. This paragraph should end on a cliffhanger e.g. the challenge they face or have to overcome. Para 3 - Where you set out what is going to happen as a consequence of the second paragraph. Set out what other complications may prevent the protagonist achieving their goal. Again end with a cliffhanger. Some people argue this should always be presented as a question. Para 4 - Explain what the book is and why a reader should buy it. Below is my attempt at a drafting a book blurb following this guidance Para 1 - Hook Steve Rayson believed working-class people had everything to gain from socialism. The only problem was they didn't agree with him. I have introduced the main character in para 1 rather than in para 2. Many hooks are much shorter but I feel this sets up the story. Para 2 - Introduction, stakes and cliffhanger In 1979 Margaret Thatcher was threatening to change Britain forever, and not in a good way. Determined to defeat her, Steve joined the Swindon Labour Party, pinned protest badges to his chest and marched against mass unemployment, apartheid and nuclear weapons. His radical generation was going to change the world but he would learn the hard way that the popularity of the Clash and the Jam was not a good predictor of General Election results. I am conscious I don’t really end on a cliffhanger here but hopefully the humour helps to pull the reader along to paragraph three. Para 3 - Complication and cliffhanger Bewildered by Conservative election victories in the 1980s, he had to reassess what he had been taught by his badgeland comrades. What do you do as a young socialist when your dad’s mates in the working men’s club buy their council houses, drive Austin Metros (a British car to beat the world), read The Sun, and vote Tory? He would come to realise that politics isn’t all it seems at seventeen. I hope this gets across the core complication in the book, namely that the world was more nuanced than the black and white way I saw the world at seventeen. The memoir is fundamentally about coming of age and how my view of the world changed as I grew older. Para 4 - The explanation, the story, the benefit Badgeland is an insightful, warm and frequently hilarious memoir about coming of age, politics, class and social mobility in the 1970s and 1980s. It is a deeply personal account of loss and renewal that will resonate with everyone regardless of the party they support. My draft blurb is reasonably short at 207 words. I am hoping this leaves room for improvement and also for some quotes about the book. I am conscious that on Amazon only eight lines appear on the book’s page. This is followed by a ‘read more’ button, which reveals the rest of the book blurb. It is the old equivalent of the text that appears above the fold. In my case I estimate this means the blurb will finish with my line about top ten records by the Clash and the Jam not being a good predictor of General Election results. Final Amazon Book Description My final book description for Amazon was as follows: "Steve Rayson believed working-class people had everything to gain from socialism. The only problem was they didn't agree with him. In 1979 Margaret Thatcher was threatening to change Britain forever, and not in a good way. Determined to defeat her, Steve joined the Swindon Labour Party, pinned protest badges to his chest and marched against mass unemployment, apartheid and nuclear weapons. His radical generation was going to change the world but he would learn the hard way that the popularity of the Clash and the Jam was not a good predictor of General Election results. Bewildered by Conservative election victories in the 1980s, he had to reassess what he had been taught by his badgeland comrades. What do you do as a young socialist when your dad’s mates in the working men’s club buy their council houses, drive Austin Metros (a British car to beat the world), read The Sun, and vote Tory? He would come to realise that politics isn’t all it seems at seventeen. Badgeland is an insightful, warm and frequently hilarious memoir about coming of age, politics, class and social mobility in the 1970s and 1980s. It is a deeply personal account of loss and renewal that will resonate with everyone regardless of the party they support."
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16 Nov, 2022
One of the biggest challenges facing Independent authors is marketing. So many of us like to write but shy away from self-promotion and marketing. Unfortunately, if you are an Indie author a solid marketing plan is as important as the book itself. No one is going to buy your book if they are not aware of it. I have set out below how I have approached developing a marketing plan for my upcoming book Badgeland. I started putting this plan together three months before the launch of my book. I think in retrospect I should have put this together much earlier and thought about how I would market the book at the very start of the writing process. 1. Audience You need to understand the audience for your book. I started writing my latest book for my grandchildren. I didn’t really think about who might buy the book. It was only when I finished writing that I reflected on the potential audience. Ideally you would think about this a lot earlier than I did. My book is a blend of memoir, politics and social history. My thoughts on the potential audience included: People who grew up at the same time as me, and particularly those who were also in the Labour Party Young Socialists and wore the same protest badges. People interested in politics, specifically Labour Party and left politics in the 1980s. The book is set in Swindon, the University of Bath and in the Greater London Council. Thus it might also appeal to people who live in Swindon, who were or are students at the University of Bath, or who worked at the GLC. The book is a memoir and might also appeal to people interested in coming of age stories. Finally, the book is about social mobility and my transition from a working-class lad in Swindon to a London graduate and ultimately an entrepreneur. So it might appeal to people interested in these topics. 2. Where does your audience hang out and what do they read? If you are to get your book in front of your audience you need to know where they hang out. Each of the five audiences I have listed above might hang out in different places. After some searching I found there is a niche Facebook group for people that were in the Labour Party Young Socialists in the 1980s. I also found much bigger groups interested in Swindon and Bath University. On Reddit there are many communities dedicated to the Labour Party which might be interested in my story. On Twitter I managed to search and find people who were also active in the Labour Party in 1980s and a few who also worked at the GLC. I am planning to post or advertise to these audiences to see if I can tempt them to try my book. The audience for my book will include the readers of similar books such as ‘Things Can Only Get Better’ and ‘No One Round Here Reads Tolstoy’. Thus one option is to buy Amazon ads and ensure my book appears alongside those books. A large section of my audience will read left publications such as The New Statesman, Left Foot Forward and Red Pepper. Thus I will pitch my book to them and seek a review. It is highly unlikely but I will also pitch my book to major publications and newspapers. If you don’t ask and all that. One section of my audience will probably read the Swindon Advertiser, while another may read the Bath Echo or Bath Chronicle. Thus it will be worth pitching my book to these publications for review. 3. Core Marketing messages Once you know your core audience you need to draft key marketing messages that will appeal to this audience. This starts with the title and particularly the sub-title of your book. You can review the book descriptions of similar books and analyse what keywords and phrases they use. One way to sharpen your focus is to write the Amazon book description and back cover blurb for your book. Ideally this should be 200 to 250 words. It needs to start with a hook to draw the reader in and finish with a paragraph which explains what the book is. It’s core purpose is to sell the book, not summarise it. I have written a separate post on how I developed my book blurb . You can also read reviews on Amazon and GoodReads to see how reviewers describe the book. 4. Keywords What keywords are your audience likely to search for? This is closely linked to your core marketing messages. I started by reviewing reviews of similar books and considering the words and phrases they use. Some of the keywords I identified were Labour Party, working-class, social mobility, coming of age, 1980s and memoir. I drew up a shortlist of possible keywords, Amazon allows you to use seven, and then I analysed these using Publisher Rocket to assess how many times they are searched for each month and how competitive they are. Publisher Rocket uses a scale from 1 to 100, with a 100 being the most competitive. The results for my keywords were as follows.
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16 Nov, 2022
When I published my first book The Fall of the Red Wall on Amazon in 2020, we were in the middle of a pandemic. I gave very little consideration to the idea of a book launch. I uploaded my ebook file to the Amazon KDP platform, checked it over in the Kindle preview tool and clicked publish. There was no launch party, book signing events, or even a virtual Zoom launch event. I did send a PDF of the book to a few journalists at smaller blogs and publications. Most ignored my email but a number of kind souls did review the book. I also asked friends and family to buy the book and to post a review on Amazon if they liked it. To my amazement within a few weeks I was the number one bestseller in my category, albeit the category was books about political parties. I was lucky, following the 2019 General Election there was huge interest in the so-called Red Wall. Mine was the first book published about Labour’s loss in 2019. Speed is one of the main advantages of Indie publishing. Within a year there were other books published by the Labour strategist and pollster Deborah Mattinson and the Financial Times political correspondent Sebastian Payne. However, by the time their books hit the shelves I had been interviewed by Times Radio, sold over two thousand copies and was riding high on Amazon. Over two years later the book is still doing well, it has had 181 reviews, an average rating of 4.3 and is still ranking in the top ten for books about political parties. Albeit behind Seb’s book which was named political book of the year by the Times, FT, Guardian and Daily Telegraph. Still while at the time of writing his book ranks 44,000th on the Kindle store mine is a creditable 71,000th and above Deborah’s, which is ranking 250,000th. The first lesson from the publication of my first book is that speed and timing can be everything when it comes to non-fiction books. The second lesson is that getting the 'Bestseller' orange tag for your category helps you to generate momentum. Thus choosing the right Amazon category is critical, as you want a category where you have a reasonable chance of becoming a bestseller. I also learnt that getting early sales and reviews on Amazon enabled me to build momentum. I think it was that momentum which attracted the attention of Amazon's algorithms and promoted the book. For Indie authors I think that getting initial momentum is important. My understanding is that long pre-sales periods can harm this momentum as Amazon tracks the number of sales each day. I would therefore recommend a short pre-sales period, if any. For the first month you need to generate a consistent level of sales. I did some Amazon advertising during the first few months which I think helped to build the momentum. Amazon later ran a Kindle promotion on my book where it was discounted for a few weeks to 99p and promoted to their readers. This drove a very high number of sales and in future I would also consider doing a discounted countdown sale myself to see if it drives up sales.
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